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        Abrahamic Covenant

        Old Covenant

        New Covenant

        Kingdom of God





        Principalities and Powers

        Ps & Ps
        Ps & Ps

        Abrahamic Covenant

        Abraham's Children Of God
        Abraham's Children Of God

        Old Covenant

        Old Covenant Israel
        Old Covenant Israel

        New Covenant

        New Covenant Church
        New Covenant Church

        Kingdom of God


        Master note


        All Men are by Creation God’s Children/People (through Christ)

        1. By creation, all men are under Pre-Incarnate Christ…
          1. The One through whom God created man and the world,
          2. God’s Right Hand and Representative,
          3. The Radiance of God’s Glory,
          4. The Exact Representation of God’s Being,
          5. The Judge of All the Earth. 
        2. By creation, man did not have
        3. Eternal life,
          1. The Nature & Glory of God (he was created mortal, of the dust of the ground), and
          2. Access into Heaven, the “Holy of Holies”, the very Presence of God, (the Garden of Eden
            is equivalent to the Holy Place and not to the Holy of Holies).
        4. By his transgression
          1. Man and Creation come under condemnation (the curse of death)the Devil’s power,
          2. Man is driven out of the Garden of Eden/Holy Place into Eden/the Courtyard
            (He is driven out of the Garden because of the blessing there which he had become
            disqualified to possess. Nevertheless, man is still in God’s presence and still under Christ).
          3. Re-entering the Garden was made impossible by the Cherubim guarding the entrance to the
            Garden and the flaming sword guarding the way to the Tree of Life.
        5. Man needs
          1. Eternal life (and freedom from condemnation)  to re-enter the Holy Place, and
          2. The Glory of God to enter the Most Holy Place (man was created for glory)

        Eden Temple Destroyed—Man is Cast out of God’s Presence

        1. Eden (and its Garden) was God’s first dwelling place on earth. This temple was for all mankind.
          1. There was no Jew/Gentile distinction
          2. There was however a Seth/Cain distinction
        2. The destruction of the Temple of Eden was for mankind as the destruction of the Temple of Solomon was for Israel; it meant that
          1. Men were no longer God’s people, God had cast them off (God was no longer dwelling among men),
          2. Men were no longer under his blessing and protection,
        3. The destruction of Eden did not mean that
          1. God would absolutely have nothing to do with men ever again (he spoke to Daniel, Ezekiel, etc., even after the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple and performed miracles for them, even in their exile. And though he rejected Israel, he had a remnant among them.)

        Men come under the Ps & Ps

        1. Men are removed from under the direct authority of Christ, and thus, from under God and are no longer His people
        2. Men are given their inheritance but not having glory, they must be placed under Gs & Ts. Thus,
        3. They are divided among Christ and the other lower sons of God. (God/Christ chooses Israel as his people)
        4. The Gs & Ts are all under God, and so everyone still belongs to God. It matters however, through whom one belongs to God.
          1. Just like the mother of Abraham’s sons, Ishmael and Isaac, mattered
        5. All future benefits, such as provision for eternal life and glorification become unavailable to the Gentiles, because they are no longer under Christ and have become disconnected from him

        Abraham’s Descendants are all God’s People/Children by Covenant

        1. Christ, being God’s representative on earth,
          choses Abraham and his descendants through Isaac
          and Jacob and becomes their Lord
        2. God makes covenant with Abraham making him
          and his chosen descendants, God’s own people
        3. Even before the Old Covenant, God called Israel, “My
          People”. This shows that it is not the Law, but the
          Abrahamic Covenant that made Israel God’s people
        4. Canaan land is Abraham’s allotted inheritance

        Israel is by Covenant God’s People/Children

        1. Israel was put under God and Christ’s holy angels (not Satan and his angels)
        2. Through these holy angels, Israel is indeed God’s people (and under Christ) as Abraham was promised
        3. These holy angels are like Hagar and Christ like Sarah
        4. The Law offered Israel Eternal Life & inheritance

        Christ’s disciples are all God’s children

        1. Christ abolishes the flesh of all his, thus,
          1. Fulfilling the circumcision requirement of the Abrahamic Covenant for all in him
          2. Destroying the bodily distinction between races and sexes
          3. Destroying the claim of the Ps & Ps on Gentiles and
          4. Creating a new nation
          5. making it possible for Gentiles to join Abraham’s family
        2. Christ abolishes the Law
        3. Christ ratifies a New Covenant, making all who are his Sons of God

        All nations are God’s People/ Children by the New Covenant

        1. All nations are once again under Christ
          1. Christ destroys death and the Ps & Ps
          2. His glorified servants are kings in all the earth and through them owns all the nations
          3. And they all come under the covenant he is under with God

        Table Editor/Creator

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